San Diego Chimney Cleaning: An Inevitable Chore

How efficient is your fireplace or wood-burning stove? If it’s not highly efficient, what is going up your chimney is more than hot air. It’s also particulates from incompletely burned wood. These particulates attach to the inner surface of your chimney and build up an unpleasant sticky layer of creosote and soot.

The more efficient your wood burning stove or fireplace is, the slower this build up occurs. But because there’s no fireplaces or stoves with 100% efficiency, the build up always occurs – sooner or later.

Unseen Danger : A Flammable Layer Inside Your Chimney

As is the case with all hot exhaust paths – vent systems, ducts, or chimneys – there is an increasing danger of fire if the build up of residue within the exhaust path is not cleaned regularly and properly.

The Best San Diego Chimney Cleaning

Fresh Air is your best choice for San Diego chimney cleaning. With the help of our knowledgeable pros, you get the following benefits:

  • A safer chimney.
  • A chance to prevent expensive clean-out bills by catching problems early.
  • Preventing costly lawsuits if your property is for sale or is rental property.

In most cases, we are able to work from the bottom of your chimney with a special HEPA filtration system equipped with a powerful vacuum.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Call us today, or click here to contact us and set up an appointment to have your chimney inspected. Fresh Air is licensed and insured, and has been cleaning chimneys since 1997.

San Diego & Temecula Air Duct Cleaning
Fresh Air – Industry Leader in Air Duct and Chimney Cleaning


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