Heater Duct Cleaning

When is it Necessary to Clean Heater Ducts?

iStock_000034808010Medium-640x480-350x250Ever since the widely publicized incident in which Legionnaire’s disease was found to be proliferating within HVAC ducts, people have wondered about their heating and air systems, and how to prevent dangerous microbes from growing within them. As with most things in life, the moderate approach is best. Although some unscrupulous companies use scare tactics to convince you into purchasing their duct cleaning services, the EPA gives the following advice:

“If no one in your household suffers from allergies or unexplained symptoms or illnesses and if, after a visual inspection of the inside of the ducts, you see no indication deposit photos black and white dust mite 400x300that your air ducts are contaminated with large deposits of dust or mold (no musty odor or visible mold growth), having your air ducts cleaned is probably unnecessary.” However, if you do see signs of anything mentioned above, then you should get your air ducts cleaned.

True Warning Signs:


Visible mold growth inside your ducts – or on other components of your HVAC system means you have a problem. Resolve this situation by having your ducts cleaned and doing a little detective work (in order to correct the conditions that led to the mold growth in the first place). Some important things to remember about mold are:

You may not be able to identify mold by the way it looks. It’s best to send a sample to a lab for identification. For a small fee, they are able to tell you for sure if it is mold or not.
If your duct system’s insulation is infected with mold, there is no real possible way to clean it. It is best to throw it out and install new.
Mold can occur in other components within an HVAC system such as blower motor, drip pan, coils, etc. It is important to include all the relevant parts in an inspection/cleaning.


A little girl blowing her noise.

If mice, rats, or other small animals have found a way inside your ducting system, it’s a good idea to clean them out and seal up any possible entrances.

Clogged Ducts

Sometimes ducts become congested with large amounts of debris, dust, fibers, and other particles – to the point that particles are released into your home via the supply registers. This “clogged up” situation also lowers the efficiency of your HVAC system, making it doubly important to correct it.

Before After Air Duct 250x250If you or your family members experience unexplained illness or symptoms, talk to your doctor, and have your ducting system inspected. If you air ducts have been contaminated with mold, vermin, or other debris, have them cleaned by a professional. This isn’t something you want to cut corners on.

At Fresh Air Duct Cleaning, we have the experience and training to carry out proper heater duct cleaning. San Diego is our home, we’ve been in business since 1997, and we’re licensed and insured. Contact us for full-service heater duct cleaning. It is probably not a bad idea to have your Dryer Duct Cleaned or your Chimney Cleaned as well. These are services you should definitely consider for peace of mind. Call Today!


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